Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Tyranid for my Tyranids with Tyranids comming out it

Gamesworkshop heard we like tyranids, so they put some tyranids in a Tyranid.

This is the last one of my 2012 started Tyranid Tyrannofex/Tervigon.  Not much to be said here.
I gave him my usual Tyranid paint treatment.
I finished this kit about 3 months ago but was unable to share this because I had to much other life things keeping me from taking pictures and using my Internet. :(

Thanks for checking up on me :)


  1. Un-fucking-believable. When I thought you had done your best with tyranids, you come up with this.

  2. I love the saliva and real looking fx! The face and scales are amazing as well. The bone blades look epic as well.

    1. Thanks RC. I tried to make it as sick looking as I could

  3. Hey there. Sorry to awaken an old thread. Confessions of a 40k Addict linked this page and I was wondering how you did your red. I love the way it looks and would like to use the colours on my bloodthirster.

    Thank you for this and your models are incredible.

  4. No prob :) it's always nice to get comments.
    Not sure if you mean the blood or the body Red.
    The body is done with GW Color, Black base coat and then just dry brushed dark red on that ( I think it was Scar red ).
    and then with a fine brush I added the blood Red for the highlights. The Blood I did with a Clear red/ with just little bit a bit of Black ( both from Tamiya).

    1. Thanks for the answer. It was the body I was looking at, I guess I should have used your other thread (listed below) to ask. Do you put a gloss on the red after as it looks awesome.

    2. it's ok to post here. Yes I did a Super gloss Top Coat.


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